Leaders Lead With Character—Here’s How to Spot It | Leadership

A Leader With Character

Let’s look at the traits and qualities that create an extraordinary leader

There’s no shortage of amazing leaders both in the past and the present, but the official definition of a “good leader” depends on who you ask. If you ask a friend, they may say that a good leader is daring and opinionated. If you ask a different friend, they might say that a good leader is mild and open-minded. 

This is because people often deem someone a “good” or “bad” leader depending on how they want/like to be lead. Some people like to be kicked into gear with the harsh truth, while others would rather be pulled aside and instructed less intensely—neither of which is right or wrong. As I said, it depends on who you ask. 

So whether you’re trying to hone your own leadership skills, or you’re trying to better understand the leaders in your life, here are a few key ways I differentiate “good” and “bad” leaders for reference.  

How I Pinpoint a Good Leader

For me, at least, I consider a leader “good” or “not-so-great” based on the character traits they demonstrate. When I’m evaluating this person’s character, I ask myself questions like:

“Does this person say one thing, and do another?” 

“Does this person use their position of power to make a positive difference, or do they abuse their authority to escape blame and accountability?”

“Did this person take this leadership role because they love to control, or because they genuinely want to manifest their vision for the future?”

If a leader practices what they preach, they demonstrate integrity. If a leader uses their position for honest purposes, then they are truly passionate and purposeful, and not just focused on their own personal success—which are all qualities I believe create an extraordinary leader. 

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Let’s look at some character traits that, in my opinion, qualify someone as a good leader:

#1. Humility

A leader with good character constantly works to maintain a healthy, team-driven environment, rather than focusing solely on their own personal success. They help their team resolve conflicts and work better together, rather than always being “too busy” or unavailable to deal with anyone else’s interests besides their own. 

#2. Passion

A good leader shows up for their cause because they are truly passionate about what they’re after. They don’t spew orders from behind a desk and let others on their team pick up all the slack—they’re not on the sidelines, they’re in the game. And their attitude encourages those they’re leading to do the same. A passionate leader cultivates a passionate following, which in turn empowers their cause. 

#3. Accountability

A strong leader holds themselves, and their team, accountable. They admit their mistakes and aren’t afraid to tell others how they can improve, too (constructively, of course). An accountable leader gives their subordinates no other choice but to take their work seriously. There’s no such thing as skating by with bare minimum effort. 

#4. Resilience

Without a resilient leader, it’d be nearly impossible for a team to achieve their goals. A resilient leader takes a setback as an opportunity to do better, not as an excuse to focus on the problem and give up. A resilient leader is a great leader because they are solution-focused. 

#5. Emotional Intelligence

An emotionally intelligent leader is an effective leader for two main reasons: a) they are less likely to make rash decisions and b) they are effective communicators. With their own emotions in check, they are fact-driven and able to make better decisions for the group. And as effective communicators, they’re able to understand others’ emotions and take them into consideration. 

#6. Confidence

Confidence is a key character trait that good leaders possess. They are confident not only in themselves and their ability to make decisions, but also confident in their values and beliefs, which helps them stay consistent with the expectations they have for their team. 

Granted, leadership isn’t a cookie-cutter quality, so don’t expect one amazing leader to be 100% in-step with the next. But as you’re considering your own leadership path—and as you’re considering who you want to learn from and really lean into—consider these traits and qualities. To me, they just make sense—and to me, this is the kind of leader I’d not only like to be, but like to follow.


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