February 17, 2020 - A Life of Character

Choosing Communication Over Conflict

How to have—and move past—challenging conversations at work. “It’s not personal, it’s just business.” All business is a little personal – because people are the ones who conduct it. When

Living Harmoniously With People Around You

Yup, it’s possible. Listen to the news for five minutes these days and it feels about as comfortable as getting a root canal. People are divided. Politics are messier than

Mindfulness Matters

But we’re not just talking ohmmmmmm… Depending on the specifics you’re looking for, the human brain processes anywhere from 40 pieces (conscious processing) to 11 million pieces (unconscious processing) of

The Grounding Ability of Character

It can be a surprising remedy for panic attacks of the spirit On a scale of one to ten, how often do you find yourself thinking the following? 1= 10%

Want to Live a Better Life? Be Present.

The gift of slowing down to be present and enjoy your life. Commuting isn’t my favorite thing, but I do it so infrequently that, now, it’s become more of a

Character = Enacted Values + Time

A summation of your thoughts and values, your character is your guide in every decision you make Truthfulness, wittiness, courage. These are three of Aristotle’s 12 virtues. I’m currently trying

Beyond a “Positive” Attitude

We’re going all the way to Hope. Though I appreciate the sentiment, all the “good vibes only” chatter, memes, and t-shirts these days are getting me down. They are unrealistic,

Well Hello, Change…Fancy Meeting You Here

It’s time to not just accept change, but to ride that wave… “Life is Flux” — Heraclitus Or, as it’s often represented: the only constant is change. There’s no denying